
Installing the plug

In Photoshop, go to the Edit menu, Preferences | Plug-ins and Scratch Disks and set Additional Plug-ins Directory to the Neat Image installation folder ( ...

How to use

Here you will find information about using Neat Image starting from the very first steps to the finest details. Video Tutorial. Learn how to use Neat Image ...

Quick Start Guide: Photoshop plug-in

Start the Neat Image plug-in using the Filter > Neat Image > Reduce Noise v9... menu item in Photoshop. This will open Neat Image plug-in window. III. Build ...

Basic workflow | Tutorial

This tutorial walks you through the key stages of applying Neat Image to an image in Photoshop. You will learn how to prepare a noise profile for an image, how ...


InPhotoshop,gototheEditmenu,Preferences|Plug-insandScratchDisksandsetAdditionalPlug-insDirectorytotheNeatImageinstallationfolder( ...,HereyouwillfindinformationaboutusingNeatImagestartingfromtheveryfirststepstothefinestdetails.VideoTutorial.LearnhowtouseNeatImage ...,StarttheNeatImageplug-inusingtheFilter>NeatImage>ReduceNoisev9...menuiteminPhotoshop.ThiswillopenNeatImageplug-inwindow.II...